UYG 009 : Unblocking Emotion

Summary: How do you get emotionally connected to your goals and dreams? Follow Benjamin as he describes his recent journey to find and remove the emotional blockage that was preventing him from making emotional connections.


In this episode:

  • Creating stories
  • The emotional impact of stories
  • Storytelling
  • When during sleep your brain draws meaning from stories
  • Why we are drawn to stories
  • The power of storytelling
  • Creating your own positive story
    1- Tell the positive that you wish would happen
    2- Your blunders make you relatable
    3- What you think are your weaknesses are often your strengths
  • Why people love an underdog story
  • The role of emotions in stories
  • Benjamin’s Goal
  • Benjamin’s wall
  • Steps
    1- Ask what is blocking emotion from flowing
    2- Ask your mind what events caused this block
    3- Find the first and the worst events
    4- Use Let-Go techniques to release those emotions

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